Should You Have Your Pc On The Floor
Keeping the pc will leave it less exposed to dust that gathers on the floor this is a bigger problem if you have a carpet.
Should you have your pc on the floor. Just make sure you dust it out every few weeks months depending on how dusty the area is. And if you don t have any carpet at all this isn t a concern. Dust wont break a computer or any components. Well when you have the pc under the desk it will be less in the way and it will get slightly cooler air as cool air is at the bottom of the room.
Your pc will be just at home sitting on a flat floor as it would on a flat desk. On the floor keeping your pc on the floor is widely considered the worst place due to the amount of dust and pet hair that can get inside your tower especially on any type of solid flooring. You should be fine. Even with 4 pets.
Keep your computer on a desk or other riser if at all possible and make sure there are filters. Of course you can and should pl. If you don t have a choice you ll want to buy some compressed air and regularly blow out inside your computer. My computer desk has a small platform built in to put the computer case on.
Laptops and all in one computer monitors are a lifesaver for anyone struggling with limited space or too many cords. Of course if you have short carpet on your floor the pc may be able to sit on that carpet with plenty of airflow underneath. I have seen many people do this i use the past tense since these days most people in my company have switched to notebooks but it is wrong the computer will breathe a lot of dust. I ve had all my pc in my house including my gaming pc on the floor for years and have never had a problem.
I believe a pc should always be elevated off the floor even if only on a platform a couple inches tall. Yes especially if you have carpet and any ventilation openings on the bottom of the case. It provides more airflow than the included 25 case feet could have allowed on carpet. That allows me to properly clean the floor or deal with major spills without worrying about damaging my system.
And if you have carpet on your floor you re probably blocking the power supply s intake fan. But when you want real power from your at home computing machine there s no better choice than a tower computer. And if you have a window in the case you can admire the computer while your.